Thinking of You Week is the week that sees people across the world send cards to friends, loved ones, work colleagues, neighbours to say hello, thinking of you, share a joke or just to reach out and connect.
This year Thinking of You Week takes place on 18th-24th September 2023, and we will be working to promote this occasion to consumers, reminding everyone about the joy of sending and receiving cards.
The campaign for Thinking of You Week 2023, 18th-24th September, has officially launched, with a brand new Instagram account @thinkingofyouweek_uk please follow!
2023 Thinking of You Week
Cardzone, Scribbler, Sainsburys, Card Factory, Tesco, Blue Diamond and Asda are the first retailers to sign up for 2023! Last year Clintons, Scribbler, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, House of Cards, Stationery Supplies, Co-op and Moonpig were just some of the retailers across the country who joined in. Over 1,000 retailers across the UK, plus many others in the US, Australia and New Zealand got involved in this special week that harnesses the emotional power of greeting cards to create a wave of love, caring and happiness.
Royal Mail have confirmed that they will be supporting Thinking of You Week 2023 with a with a special postmark which will be printed on all mail stamped and posted between 18th– 24th September 2023. The message will be:
Send A Card, Deliver A Smile for Thinking of You Week
This year the GCA will be again be running a Consumer PR campaign to raise the profile of ToYW with consumers. We will be speaking to journalists, targeted bloggers, vloggers and others to encourage everyone to send cards this ToYW.
All this activity will see Consumers googling Thinking of You Week and arriving at our consumer-facing Thinking of You Week website – so get involved and make sure your brand benefits and your cards and activities feature.
To ensure your business benefits from this see How to Market Your Business for Thinking of You Week!
Speak to retailers early to take orders for September and ensure sufficient stock is in store. Also start planning your activities to promote this occasion to your community.
Last year our Schools Project for Thinking of You Week saw over 6,000 of children in the UK and Ghana exchange cards – if you are interested in a similar project for your local school please contact adriana@gca.cards.
Further Information
Click the links below to find out:
Visit ToYW News blog to see what others in the industry are doing
Visit ToYW Gallery and click on the card image to buy cards from GCA Members
Ideas for Marketing Your Business for Thinking of You Week
How to Feature in the Thinking of You Week News and Gallery
To access and Download the 2023 ToYW Toolkit
Find out more About ToYW
To update your Members’ Directory entry, log in and go to the Dashboard, then click on Members’ Profile
Click here for more about the 2022 GCA Schools Project connecting UK children with schools in Ghana
See our blog on GCA Members’ previous years activity for more ideas